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  • AHS Lehrplan 2000 - Unterstufe

    Am 11. Mai 2000 wurde der (neue) AHS-Lehrplan im Bundesgesetzblatt kundgemacht (BGBl. II Nr. 133/2000). Detailansicht

  • AHS Lehrplan 1989 - Latein Oberstufe

    Lehrpläne aus 1989 (auslaufend noch für 8. Klasse 2006/07):
    ACHTUNG, das sind die auslaufenden alten Lehrpläne !!!
    Es gilt bereits der allgemeine Teil des Lehrplans 2004, nur der Fachlehrplan für 8. Klasse 2006/07 ist noch der alte! Detailansicht

  • Declinatio: noun trainer

    The program, DECLINATIO (nomen est omen), by Leo Nellissen generates each time a new form so the user has to look carefully to determine case and number.
    The homepage offers screen shots, a demo version, and information to buy the program. Detailansicht

  • Schola nova in Belgium since 1995: Latin as a spoken language in the curriculum ("latin vivant")

    This very small school has an extraordinary curriculum for the pupils, who are visiting the school for five years, as you can see via the small link to the curriculum ("grille horaire") below.
    The subjects are tought in various langugages: French, English, Netherlands and Latin. Medieval histo ... Detailansicht


    Article written by Alfred Reitermayer about a possible first effect of the European Curriculum for Classics discussed during the general assembly of Euroclassica´s annual conference in Stockholm 2006. The Curriculum and Euroclassica´s new Latin Platform is ready for download now with the specia ... Detailansicht

  • Das antike Xanten - Colonia Ulpia Traiana - in einer "virtuellen Ausgrabung"

    Diese Webseite wurde in Zusammenarbeit von Landschaftsverband Rheinland, nordrhein-westfälischem Bauministerium und Hochschule Anhalt entwickelt. Sie bietet Animationen, Bilder, Filme, Grafiken. Die Inhalte sind gratis, im Besonderen gedacht für Archäologiefans, Geschichtsstudenten und Lateinlehrer. Detailansicht

  • 2007 Academia Homerica in Chios July, 13-22, 2007

    The document contains all important information for the participants.Picture Gallery 2007UCL Classics Newsletter Euroclassica-Academia Homerica in the 1/10/2007 issue of the Kapodistriako (Newsletter of the Athens University) Detailansicht

  • 2006 Academia Latina II

    Article about the Academia Latina II, held in Rom August 1 to August 10 2006, written by Eva Scough Tarandi/Sweden, director of the Academia Latina (2 MB!) Detailansicht

  • Cambridge Latin Course

    With a 30 year history of development and revision, the Cambridge Latin Course (CLC) has established itself as the leading beginner’s course for Latin. Detailansicht

  • Carpe Noctem - die Lange Nacht der Römer am 7.10.2006: VIDEOS

    Unter dem Motto 'Carpe noctem - Die lange Nacht der Römer' fand am 7. Oktober 2006 ein fulminantes Römerfest im Rahmen der Langen Nacht der Museen im Schlossmuseum Linz/OÖ statt. Die Links führen zu Videoaufnahmen des Events, die von Mag. Gottfried Neubauer digitalisiert wurden.
    Beachten Sie di ... Detailansicht

  • Lingua Latina hodierna

    Dictionarium Novolatinum, lectura Latina, sermo Latinus, musica Latina (cantiones), forum Latinum, situs utiles (Latini, Russi).
    Die Rubrik "Musica Latina" bietet eine schöne Zusammenstellung von lateinischen Liedern im Netz. Detailansicht

  • Bitte um Mithilfe bei Elternbefragung

    Prof. Friedrich Maier bittet alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen um Mithilfe bei der Sammlung von Rückmeldungen für eine Basisstudie zur Präsentation und Legitimation des Faches Latein. Detailansicht

  • Prima oratio sacra Summi Pontificis Benedicti XVI.

    Oratio sacra Summi Pontificis Benedicti XVI. primam missam pontificalem cum Eminentissimis Cardinalibus celebrantis in Capella Sixtina praedicata.In his speech the pope said, young people should learn the Latin languae today. Detailansicht

  • Clio

    Un trsor d'informations pour vous aider à explorer les merveilles du patrimoine universel et vous prparer à dcouvrir le monde et ses cultures. Detailansicht

  • Cooperative Learning and Latin: between Theory and Praxis

    C. L. is a relationship in a group of students that requires positive interdependence (a sense of sink or swim together), individual accountability (each of us has to contribute and learn), interpersonal skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making, and conflict resolution), face-to ... Detailansicht

  • 2006 Academia Homerica in Chios July, 16-23, 2006

    The document contains all important information for the participants. Detailansicht

  • Community Guideline for administrators

    The document (13 pages) gives you detailed information and instructions on handling a community as an administrator. Detailansicht

  • Flemish Latin & Greek Olympiad

    The Flemish Latin & Greek Olympiad is a yearly organized competition for secondary school students. According to the level it consists of an individual or a class translation of an ancient Latin or Greek text. Detailansicht

  • Flemish Association of Classics Teachers

    The Flemish Association of Classics Teachers (Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) aims at promoting the interest in classical languages and culture, improving the quality of classics education, providing classics teachers with concrete support, looking after the classics teachers\' interests and cre ... Detailansicht

  • 2006 Academia Latina II in Rome

    One of the most important aims of EUROCLASSICA is to make pupils and students aware of the European dimension of Classics. EUROCLASSICA’s summer school will bring together young people from different European countries around a classical theme. The summer school will be held in Rome so tha ... Detailansicht

  • Homepage in englischer Sprache zu den Römern

    Der amerikanische "Schulfunk"-Sender PBS hat eine Reihe sehr gut aufbereiteter Themen, auch zur Antike, alles in englischer Sprache. Just have a look!
    Anbei drei Links Detailansicht

  • First European in-service training course for CIRCE in Oxford, Corpus Christi College, July 30th- Au

    This course aims to enable Classical teachers from all over Europe to exploit various ICT resources available for their teaching and to help create a new learning environment for Classics with ICT. Grants to attend this course can be requested from national Socrates agencies throughout Europe. Detailansicht

  • American Classical League

    Devoted to the pedagogy of teaching Latin and Greek and their promotion. Membership mixed but mostly pre-collegiate. Detailansicht

  • Excellence Through Classics

    American site dedcated to Latin for the younger student. Detailansicht

  • CAMWS: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South

    Committee for the Promotion of Latin Detailansicht