• ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae

    Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht

  • ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae

    Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht

    Academia Latinitati Fovendae

  • American Classical League

    Devoted to the pedagogy of teaching Latin and Greek and their promotion. Membership mixed but mostly pre-collegiate. Detailansicht


  • Amici Linguae Latinae

    Die Amici Linguae Latinae setzen sich für die Verankerung eines qualitätsvollen Unterrichts in den Klassischen Sprachen Latein und Griechisch im Schulunterricht ein. Detailansicht

    Homepage der Amici Linguae Latinae

  • Antiquity Connects: A Project for European Cultural Education

    In Dubrovnik copies of the printed version of the booklet 'Antiquity connects', which contains the manifesto in 16 European languages were distributed (Hitting the title you can download the digital version!). In this context we discussed the next steps to promote the 'Actio ad eruditionem human ... Detailansicht


  • Antiquity Connects: A Project for European Cultural Education

    Education has to prepare children for the life in the modern world. So many
    people ask: Why should children learn an ancient language which no-one
    speaks any more? Isn’t it more and more important to learn modern
    languages in the age of globalization? Shouldn’t we be studying natu ... Detailansicht


  • Bitte um Mithilfe bei Elternbefragung

    Prof. Friedrich Maier bittet alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen um Mithilfe bei der Sammlung von Rückmeldungen für eine Basisstudie zur Präsentation und Legitimation des Faches Latein. Detailansicht


  • CAMWS: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South

    Committee for the Promotion of Latin Detailansicht


  • cursor 17/2021

    Das Vereinsmagazin der Amici Linguae Latinae bietet Ihnen wieder Spannendes und Aktuelles aus der Welt der Antike, der klassichen Bildung und Kultur. Umfang: 100 Seiten Detailansicht

    cursor 17/2021 Magazin der Amici Linguae Latinae

  • cursor 18/2022

    Das Magazin cursor 18/2022 der Amici Linguae Latinae bietet Ihnen auf 108 (!) Seiten umfassende Informationen, spannende Lektüre, herrliche Illustrationen und viel Lebendigkeit aus der Welt der Klassischen Sprachen und der Kultur der Antike. Detailansicht

    cursur 18/2022 Magazin der Amici Linguae Latinae

  • Excellence Through Classics

    American site dedcated to Latin for the younger student. Detailansicht


  • Festschrift Hans Joachim Glücklich

    Mit großer Freude gibt der Vorstand des Landesverbandes Rheinland-Pfalz im Deutschen Altphilologenverband anlässlich der Pensionierung seines langjährigen Vorsitzenden, Herrn Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Glücklich, zum Schuljahresende 2004/2005 eine Festschrift mit Titel „Athlon“ herau ... Detailansicht


  • Janka, Markus, Pharsalos als Wendepunkt der Weltgeschichte: Bibliographie

    Janka, Markus, Pharsalos als Wendepunkt der Weltgeschichte im historischen Thriller der Postmoderne: Robert Harris’ Dictator (2015) Detailansicht

    Janka, Markus, Pharsalos, Bibliographie

  • John Bulwer,Classics Teaching in Europe

    Classics seems constantly under threat in schools, yet the subject evolves and survives. Threats to it are taken seriously. When one of the UK examination boards dropped Greek and Latin from the curricula offered to schools, questions were asked in Parliament. ... Detailansicht

    John Bulwer, Classics Teaching in Europe

  • National Committee for Latin and Greek

    This very valuable website is dedicated to the promotion of Latin and Greek. Detailansicht


  • National Latin Exam

    The American National Latin Exam is offered under the joint sponsorship of\' the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League. They are pleased to announce the 2006 ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam. More than 148,000 Latin students across the U.S.A., Australia, Belgium, Canada, ... Detailansicht


  • Prima oratio sacra Summi Pontificis Benedicti XVI.

    Oratio sacra Summi Pontificis Benedicti XVI. primam missam pontificalem cum Eminentissimis Cardinalibus celebrantis in Capella Sixtina praedicata.In his speech the pope said, young people should learn the Latin languae today. Detailansicht


  • SCHWEIZ: Arbeitsgruppe "Latein macht Schule" - für ein neues, starkes Latein

    Homepage der Schweizer Initiative. Interessanterweise gibt es neuerdings konkrete Studien, die den klar überdurchschnittlichen Studienerfolg von Maturanten in den Klassischen Sprachen schwarz auf weiß dokumentieren. Neben diesen Informationen bietet die Seite gute Argumente, Zitate und Fakten. U ... Detailansicht


  • Strengthening classical education ...

    On 18 December 2006 the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union published a "Recommendation ... on key competences for lifelong learning". The following paper was formulated with reference to this recommendation and sent to the European Commission and to numerous members of the ... Detailansicht


  • The ancient Greek language: a jar of blessings

    The ancient Greek language: a jar of blessings by Dr Alexandra Rozokoki, Researcher Level A, Academy of Athens Detailansicht

    Article (5 Pages)

  • The New York Times

    Two articles in "The New York Times":
    Oct 6th: A Dead Language That’s Very Much Alive
    (A version of this article appeared in print on October 7, 2008, on page A25 of the New York edition.)
    Oct 11th: Are We Rome? Tu Betchus!
    (A version of this article appeared in print on October 12, ... Detailansicht


  • Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, Warsaw: The way to Europe’s future

    “To advance on the way to Europe’s future we should recall the origins of Western civilisation.” This is the basic thesis of the address given by the former Foreign Minister of Poland on being awarded the Humanism Prize by the Association of German Classical Philologists on Apr ... Detailansicht