European Certificate for Classics: Results of ELEX/EGEX 2021
Here you find the results of the ECCL exams 2021/2022. Detailansicht
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2021
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2021
Ancient Greek Level 1/Vestibulum Detailansicht -
ELEX European Latin Exam 2021
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2021
Latin Level 2/Ianua Detailansicht -
ELEX - European Latin Exam 2021
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2021
Latin Level 1/Vestibulum Detailansicht -
European Certificate for Classics: Results of ELEX/EGEX 2020
Here you find the results of the ECCL exams 2020/2021. As you see, due to the school closures there are less schools that could take part in some countries this year.
Bärbel Flaig
Vice-president Euroclassica
Coordintator ECCL Detailansicht -
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2020
ECCL - European Certificate for Classics 2020
Ancient Greek Level 2/Ianua Detailansicht -
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2020
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2020
Ancient Greek Level 1/Vestibulum Detailansicht -
ELEX European Latin Exam 2020
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2020
Latin Level 2/Ianua Detailansicht -
ELEX - European Latin Exam 2020
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2020
Latin Level 1/Vestibulum Detailansicht -
Virtual Round Table "The Future of Latin Studies" February 2nd 2023
The RELICS research network is delighted to invite you to attend our virtual roundtable on 'The Future of Latin Studies', which will take place on Thursday 2 February 2023, 4.00-5.30pm (CET). Detailansicht
Webtalk Jan 11th 2023 noon: Can We Preserve Ancient Languages for Future Generations?
If we can't inspire an interest in the next generation, do these ancient languages have a future?
Interesting and exciting web talk about ancient languages with Steven Hunt, Gerardo Guzmàn and Anya Leonard. The discussion is organised by Classical Wisdom and hosted by its founder Anya Leonard. Detailansicht -
Alan H. Sommerstein, Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions, London 2021
p/b 9781350226685 £22.99
Detailansicht -
Relaunch: Europatria & European Symbols
A new launch of our projects "Europatria" and "European Symbols" is planned. Please find the information in the documents attached.
If interested please fill in the form. Detailansicht -
Christmas and New Year’s Message 2022 by President Christian Laes
Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, sends Christmas wishes to all partners of Euroclassica. Detailansicht
cursor 18/2022
Das Magazin cursor 18/2022 der Amici Linguae Latinae bietet Ihnen auf 108 (!) Seiten umfassende Informationen, spannende Lektüre, herrliche Illustrationen und viel Lebendigkeit aus der Welt der Klassischen Sprachen und der Kultur der Antike. Detailansicht
Amici Linguae Latinae
Die Amici Linguae Latinae setzen sich für die Verankerung eines qualitätsvollen Unterrichts in den Klassischen Sprachen Latein und Griechisch im Schulunterricht ein. Detailansicht
Christophe Rico and Stephen Hill, HANSEL and GRETEL in ANCIENT GREEK
Christophe Rico and Stephen Hill
Polis Institute Press Jerusalem 2022 H/B 52 pages 9789657698068 $24.12
Detailansicht -
cursor 17/2021
Das Vereinsmagazin der Amici Linguae Latinae bietet Ihnen wieder Spannendes und Aktuelles aus der Welt der Antike, der klassichen Bildung und Kultur. Umfang: 100 Seiten Detailansicht
Caroline Mackenzie A Latin Lexicon: An Illustrated Compendium of Latin Words and English Derivatives
A Latin Lexicon: An Illustrated Compendium of Latin Words and English Derivatives 2020 by Caroline K. Mackenzie (Author), Amanda Short (Illustrator) Archaeopress Hardcover pages 142 978-1789697629 £18.00 Detailansicht
Christophe Rico Unus, Duos, Tres. Latine Loquamur per scaenas et imagines
Unus, Duos, Tres. Latine Loquamur per scaenas et imagines Christophe RICO Polis Institute Press (2022) 978-9657698136 42 euros Detailansicht
Christian Laes, Another Effort to Save Latin as the Means of International Communication
Christian Laes, Another Effort to Save Latin as the Means of International Communication: Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895) and his Somnium Transalpinum
The article refers the president's contribution to Euroclassica's Congress 2021 in Split/Mostar. Detailansicht -
Eugenia Manolidou, Ancient Greek for Kids: From Theory to Praxis
Published online by Cambridge University Press on 14 July 2022 Detailansicht
2022 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 8-17 (18)
The 23rd Academia Homerica will take place from the 8th to 17 (18)st of July 2022, in Athens, on the islands of Chios and Oinousses. Detailansicht
EC Cyprus August 26 to 29 2022 Final Program
The next Congress of Euroclassica will take place in Cyprus.
All important information you'll find here.
The deadline for registration has been extended to June 30. Find below the final version of the program. We hope a lot of you will follow the Conference. Detailansicht -
Conference April 8 2022: Delphi Classics. From Democracy to Res Publica
On April 8th, 2022, esteemed professors from across the globe will travel to Delphi, the mythical center of the world, and will transfer the values of society and politics from ancient texts to modern times. Detailansicht