2021 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
Lecture publique internationale des Metamorphoses d'Apulee 26 et 27 mars 2021
Chers amis de la Culture classique,
Malgré ces temps bien difficiles, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à la lecture publique internationale des Métamorphoses d’Apulée : nous comptons sur vous pour nous aider à faire entendre ce roman extraordinaire aux quatre coins du monde !
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Virtual Maltese Conference of Contemporary Classics Research - Call for Proposals
The Malta Classics Association is organising an online conference on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th April intended to allow those of us involved in the field to exhibit our latest research. Detailansicht
Thamyris. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y LatÃn
Thamyris, nova series y Delegación de Málaga de la SEEC en colaboración con los Deptos. de FilologÃa Griega y Latina de la Universidad de Málaga Detailansicht
Thamyris, nova series. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y LatÃn
Sorana-Cristina Man, Instances of Death in Greek Tragedy
Instances of Death in Greek Tragedy, Sorana-Cristina Man, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020 h/b p. 261 9781 527547285 £60.00 Detailansicht
Edith Hall and Henry Stead A People’s History of Classics
Edith Hall and Henry Stead A People’s History of Classics, Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1680 to 1939 Routledge 2020 pb p. 642 978-0-367-43236-2 £26.00 Detailansicht
The MCA Newsletter 2020-12/2021-01
Issue 15 of the Newsletter of the Malta Classics Association is ready for download (10 MB) Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements: Christmas Wishes 2020
Christmas Wishes 2020 Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica Detailansicht
Scarborough, First Lessons in Greek
Scarborough, William Sanders First Lessons in Greek Greek p 187 Pb Bolchazy-Carducci 9780865168633 £18.93 Detailansicht
SUBURANI, A new Latin reading course
Hands up Education, UK p. 298, 2020, 978-1912870011, £20.00 Detailansicht
European Curriculum for Classics (ECCL): Latin, level IANUA
The PDF (13 pages) contains a preamble and the standards for pupils at level 2 IANUA. Detailansicht
European Curriculum for Classics (ECCL): Latin, level VESTIBULUM
The PDF (14 pages) contains a preamble and the standards for pupils at level 1 VESTIBULUM. Detailansicht
European Symbols
The first edition of "European Symbols" was presented at the Congress of Euroclassica held in Valetta from August 28 to 30, 2015. "European Symbols" is a joint schoolbook for European students containing contributions from 20 European countries. Find more information via the links presented. Detailansicht
Required knowledge for EGEX
The document offers information about the required knowledge for language and culture for EGEX Vestibulum and Ianua including the Basic Vocabulary List for Ianua. Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements June 2020
Announcement by the president of Euroclassica Prof. Dr. Christian Laes Detailansicht
Academia Homerica 2020 cancelled
Report by Dr. Maria - Eleftheria G. Giatrakou, Director of Academia Homerica
DetailansichtAcademia Homerica 2020 cancelled - Report by M. Eleftheria Giatrakou
EC Congress Split 2020 cancelled
Unfortunately Euroclassica's Congress 2020 in Split had to be cancelled. The colleagues from Split and Mostar will be happy, dis iuuantibus, to host the conference in 2021. Detailansicht
MCA: Summer courses
The MCA is organising 5 summer courses. Each course is 8 weeks long (16 hours of tuition) and fully online, so they may be followed by anyone, wherever they reside. The courses are 25euro each and start on Monday 22nd June. Detailansicht
Mario Telò and Melissa Mueller (eds.) THE MATERIALITIES of GREEK TRAGEDY (Objects and Affect in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides) p/b 320 p. Bloomsbury Academic (2019) 978-1350143593 £28.99 Detailansicht
GREEK BEYOND GCSE Bloomsbury Academic; 2nd Revised edition edition (10 Aug. 2017) Paperback: 384 pages 978-1474299756 £16.50 Detailansicht
OCR Classical Civilisation Women in the Ancient World
Hancock-Jones, Robert, Dan Menashe, James Renshaw
OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Route 2: Women in the Ancient World Bloomsbury 2017
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Situation of Classics in Europe. Evaluation of the Euroclassica questionnaire 2019
The objective of the questionnaire was to have a more precise idea of the situation under which Classical languages and cultures are taught in Europe; it was distributed towards the end of 2019 to the members of the association. Detailansicht
Evaluation of the Euroclassica questionnaire 2019 (English and French)
European Certificate for Classics: Results of ELEX/EGEX 2019
Here you find the results of the ECCL 2019. Not all countries sent their results till now. Some did not add the number of participants/schools. Therefore there are some blanks.
Bärbel Flaig, ECCL Coordinator Detailansicht -
2020 EUROCLASSICA Congress in Split/Mostar August 28th - 30th
Here is the first preliminary information about next year's Euroclassica conference. Detailansicht
Euroclassica Congress 2020 Split/Mostar, Preliminary Information
Presidential Announcements March 2020
Announcement by the president of Euroclassica Prof. Dr. Christian Laes Detailansicht