A Little Greek Reader
A Roman Women Reader: Selections from the Second Century BCE through the Second Century CE
2006-06 Mythos als Sprache der Seele: Mythos in statu nascendi - Der "Moses" von Michelangelo
Ein anderes dieser rätselvollen und großartigen Kunstwerke ist die Marmorstatue von Moses, in der Kirche von S. Pietro in Vincoli zu Rom von Michelangelo aufgestellt, bekanntlich nur ein Teilstück jenes riesigen Grabdenkmals, welches der Künstler für den gewaltigen Papstherrn Julius II errichten ... Detailansicht
28. Augustbis 30.08.2015
2015 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Malta
10. Julibis 19.07.2015
Seminar / Workshop
2015 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 10-19/20
This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht
01. Julibis 01.01.2015
Seminar / Workshop
2015 ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA in Sagunto, July 1 - July 8
The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia)-SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama. Detailansicht
2015 Euroclassica Newsletter
The current Euroclassica newsletter 2015 is online. Detailansicht
2015 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
A Propertius Reader: eleven selected elegies
Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (3rd edition)
The Ides of April
Caesar’s Blood: Greek Tragedy in Roman Life
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Latin Literature
Ask the Ancients: Astonishing Advice for Daily Dilemmas
The Amber Fury
The Odyssey (Bloomsbury Revelations)Â
ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae
Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht
ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae
Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht
Gorilla Greek
Ten Fairy Tales in Latin
A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar
How to read a Latin poem: if you can't read Latin yet.
Islam in Global Politics. Conflict and cross-civilizational bridging
2014 EUROCLASSICA CONGRESS in Copenhagen: 29th August - 31st August
Latest version of the programm of the Conference in Copenhagen. Detailansicht
29. Augustbis 31.08.2014
Tagung / Kongress
2014 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Copenhagen
Annual Conference Detailansicht