• Teaching Classics in English Schools 1500-1840


  • Martial


  • The Other Middle Ages: A Medieval Latin Reader


  • Starting to Teach Latin


  • Lucretius: The Nature of the Universe


  • The Right Thing to do: Cicero’s De Officiis


  • Keeping their Marbles


  • The Past in the Present - National Museum of Denmark


  • Ubi fera sunt (Where the Wild Things Are)


  • 2016 Euroclassica Newsletter

    The current Euroclassica newsletter 2016 is online. Detailansicht

    Newsletter 2016

  • 2016 Euroclassica Newsletter

    The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht

    Newsletter 2016

  • 23. August
    bis 29.08.2016

    2016 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, August 23-29/30

    The 19th Academia Homerica will take place from the 23rd to 29th of August 2016, in Athens and on the island of Chios, with a visit to a nearby island. Detailansicht

  • 22. August
    bis 24.08.2016

    2016 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Athens


  • Forty-Six Stories in Classical Greek


  • Lucian's Dialogues of the Dead: An Intermediate Greek Reader


  • Euripides: Hecuba


  • Ancients in Action: Thucydides


  • 03. July
    bis 10.07.2016

    2016 ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA in Sagunto, July 3 - July 10

    The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia)-SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama. Detailansicht

  • Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar


  • The Intellectual Revolution. Selections from Euripides, Thucydides and Plato


  • Minimus - the mouse that made Latin cool!

    Minimus is a unique Latin course for younger children. It's based on a real family who lived at Vindolanda in 100AD: Flavius, the fort commander, his wife Lepidina, their three children, assorted household slaves, their cat Vibrissa - and Minimus the mouse!

    Salvete - exspectatissimi estis! Detailansicht

    Minimus - the mouse that made Latin cool!

  • The Iris Project

    The Iris Project is an educational charity introducing the languages and culture of the ancient world to UK state schools in order to enrich the curriculum. Detailansicht

    The Iris Project

  • Europatria - 2nd edition

    Over twenty countries representing the Latin tradition of their region, from Antiquity up to the twentieth century. A must read for students and teachers. Detailansicht

  • Lectiones Memorabiles: Volume II: Selections from Horace, Lucretius, Seneca, Suetonius, and Tacitus


  • Lectiones Memorabiles: Volume I: Selections from Catullus, Cicero, Livy, Ovid, Propertius, Tibullus,
