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  • ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae

    Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht

  • ALF - Academia Latinitati Fovendae

    Academia Latinitati inter omnes gentes fovendae, ab Instituto Nationali Studiis Romanis provehendis anno MCMLXVII condita, nomen deinde sibi imposuit Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Detailansicht

    Academia Latinitati Fovendae

  • 29. August
    bis 31.08.2014
    Tagung / Kongress

    2014 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Copenhagen

    Annual Conference Detailansicht

  • 11. Juli
    bis 20.07.2014
    Seminar / Workshop

    2014 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 11-20

    This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht

  • 29. Juni
    bis 06.07.2014

    2014 ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA in Sagunto, June 29 - July 6

    The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia)-SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama.

  • John Bulwer,Classics Teaching in Europe

    Classics seems constantly under threat in schools, yet the subject evolves and survives. Threats to it are taken seriously. When one of the UK examination boards dropped Greek and Latin from the curricula offered to schools, questions were asked in Parliament. ... Detailansicht

    John Bulwer, Classics Teaching in Europe

  • Ephemeris - lateinische Online-Zeitschrift

    Diese Online-Zeitschrift ("Varsoviae nata, per interrete divulgata, ad omnia quae cognitu digna videantur spectans.") bietet viele interessante Artikel zu aktuellen Themen. Detailansicht

  • Summerschools in the UK and Ireland

    The link leads to the web of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers advertising summer schools in the UK and Ireland for students wishing to pursue Classical Studies. Detailansicht

    summer schools

  • 30. August
    bis 01.09.2013

    2013 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Lisbon

    Europatria Detailansicht

  • 23. März
    bis 28.03.2013

    2013 ACADEMIA RAGUSINA in Dubrovnik, March 23-28

    This Academia is held in Dubrovnik for students, teachers and researchers. Its main interest are the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Due to a lack of participants Academia Ragusina tertia 2013 has been cancelled.

  • 30. Juni
    bis 07.07.2013

    2013 ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA in Sagunto, June 30 - July 7

    The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia)-SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama. Detailansicht

  • 12. Juli
    bis 21.07.2013
    Seminar / Workshop

    2013 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 12-21

    This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht

  • 31. August
    bis 02.09.2012
    Tagung / Kongress

    2012 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Vilnius

    Reception and Spreading of the Classical Culture in Lithuania and the Baltic Region Detailansicht

  • 06. Juli
    bis 15.07.2012
    Seminar / Workshop

    2012 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 6-16 2012

    This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht

  • 02. August
    bis 09.08.2012

    2012 ACADEMIA LATINA IV in Rome: August, 2-9 2012

    One of the most important aims of EUROCLASSICA is to make pupils and students aware of the European dimension of Classics. Detailansicht

  • Finland's EU Presidency 2006

    During Finland's EU Presidency in 2006 regular news round-ups in Latin were produced by Finland's EU Presidency Web Team.

  • Radio Vatican

    Nuntii stationis radiophonicae Vaticanae partitionis Germanicae in linguam Latinam versi. Detailansicht

  • Radio Finland

    Nuntii Latini, conspectus rerum internationalium hebdomadalis, est programma Radiophoniae Finnicae Generalis (YLE) in terrarum orbe unicum. Detailansicht

    Nuntii Latini

  • Radio Bremen

    Radiophonia Bremensis quosdam cuiusque mensis praeteriti nuntios Kalendis Latine profert. Accedunt nuntii televisifici Latini atque nuntii a discipulis pro discipulis conscripti. Libri quoque, qui sunt de rebus antiquis, describi solent. Detailansicht

  • American Classical League

    Homepage of the ACL, devoted to promoting the study and teaching of the Classical Greek and Latin world. Detailansicht

  • cursor - Zeitschrift für Freunde der lateinischen Sprache und europäischen Kultur

    The Amici Linguae Latinae, founded in 2003 in Austria, love classical languages and classical culture. Every year the magazine "cursor. Zeitschrift für Freunde der lateinischen Sprache und europäischen Kultur" is published (ISSN 2522-3984; about 100 pages). Detailansicht

  • 2012 Academia Homerica, July 6-16 2012

    The document contains all important information for the participants. Detailansicht

  • Odysseus-Verlag/Hans Widmer (Ch)

    Der engagierte Schweizer Verlag bietet Interessantes zu den Fächern Latein und Griechisch. Besonders hingewiesen sei auf die Zuckerl mit lateinischen Sprüchen. Detailansicht

  • ACADEMIA LATINA IV in Rome: 2. - 9. August 2012

    One of the most important aims of EUROCLASSICA is to make pupils and students aware of the European dimension of Classics. EUROCLASSICA’s summer school will bring together young people from different European countries around a classical theme. The summer school will be held in Rome so tha ... Detailansicht

  • Lehrplan Latein NEU Unterstufe des Gymnasiums ab 2000

    Der Link bietet den fachspezifischen Teil für Latein (Word-Dokument), der Zusatzlink den allgemeinen Teil in der Fassung 2000 (d.h. ohne spezifische Aussagen für die Oberstufe).
    Der Lehrplan für die dritten Klassen gilt ab 1. September 2002, der Lehrplan für die vierten Klassen ab 1. September ... Detailansicht

    Lehrplan Latein NEU Unterstufe des Gymnasiums ab 2000