Athens Papers
cursor 20/2024
Die Jubiläumsausgabe des Magazins cursor 20/2024 der Amici Linguae Latinae bietet Ihnen auf 100 Seiten topaktuelle Beiträge, geistvolle Lektüre, tolle Bilder, viel Kultur, Europäisches und Österreichisches und viel Lebendigkeit aus der schulischen Welt der Klassischen Sprachen Latein und Griechisch. Detailansicht
2024 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
New Year’s Message by President Christian Laes
Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, sends New Year wishes to all partners of Euroclassica. Detailansicht
Easter Message 2023 by President Christian Laes
Please find the link to the easter message 2023 by President Christian Laes below. Detailansicht
2023 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
Euroclassica 1991-2021. Thirty years of Defending and Promoting Classical Languages in Europe
Relaunch: Europatria & European Symbols
A new launch of our projects "Europatria" and "European Symbols" is planned. Please find the information in the documents attached.
If interested please fill in the form. Detailansicht -
Christmas and New Year’s Message 2022 by President Christian Laes
Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, sends Christmas wishes to all partners of Euroclassica. Detailansicht
Christian Laes, Another Effort to Save Latin as the Means of International Communication
Christian Laes, Another Effort to Save Latin as the Means of International Communication: Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895) and his Somnium Transalpinum
The article refers the president's contribution to Euroclassica's Congress 2021 in Split/Mostar. Detailansicht -
Eugenia Manolidou, Ancient Greek for Kids: From Theory to Praxis
Published online by Cambridge University Press on 14 July 2022 Detailansicht
2022 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
International Greek Language Day: February 9th 2022
In honor of the International Greek Language Day, the Greek International News Agency published an article in Ancient Greek. It is a summary of the “In Medias Res” article regarding the Latin and Greek active language method teaching at Oxford. Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements: Christmas and New Year’s Message 2021
Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, sends Christmas wishes to all partners of Euroclassica inlcuding important information about a new initiative about the teaching of Classics in the European countries. Detailansicht
Christmas and New Year’s Message 2021 by President Christian Laes
Bulletin d’information de l’ACFLA et de la FRPGL asbl. (2021 9/10/11) Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements August 2021: Speeches at the EC Congress in Split and Mostar
The document offers the speeches of Prof. Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, held in Split, 27 August 2021 and Mostar, 28 August 2021. Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements June 2021
Dear all,
Split-Mostar (27-29 August 2021) are waiting for us: Detailansicht -
Classical Languages, Culture, and Mythology at the Classical Gymnasium of Saint Petersburg
by Elena Ermolaeva and Lev Pushel
in: Lisa Maurice (Ed.), OUR MYTHICAL EDUCATION. The Reception of Classical Myth Worldwide in Formal Education, 1900–2020, p. 189-208
Detailansicht -
CNARELA: Newsletter 11, fevrier 2021
Newsletter (2021 fevrier) of the French association of Classics CNARELA (1 MB) Detailansicht
2021 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
Thamyris. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y Latín
Thamyris, nova series y Delegación de Málaga de la SEEC en colaboración con los Deptos. de Filología Griega y Latina de la Universidad de Málaga Detailansicht
Thamyris, nova series. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y Latín
The MCA Newsletter 2020-12/2021-01
Issue 15 of the Newsletter of the Malta Classics Association is ready for download (10 MB) Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements: Christmas Wishes 2020
Christmas Wishes 2020 Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica Detailansicht
European Symbols
The first edition of "European Symbols" was presented at the Congress of Euroclassica held in Valetta from August 28 to 30, 2015. "European Symbols" is a joint schoolbook for European students containing contributions from 20 European countries. Find more information via the links presented. Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements June 2020
Announcement by the president of Euroclassica Prof. Dr. Christian Laes Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements March 2020
Announcement by the president of Euroclassica Prof. Dr. Christian Laes Detailansicht