ELEX - European Latin Exam 2013
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2013
Latin Level 1/Vestibulum
Chairman: Waldemar Martyniuk, Jagiellonian University Krakow Detailansicht -
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2013
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2013
Ancient Greek Level 1/Vestibulum
Chairwoman: Deborah Davies, Director of National Ancient Greek Exam/ USA Detailansicht -
John Bulwer,Classics Teaching in Europe
Classics seems constantly under threat in schools, yet the subject evolves and survives. Threats to it are taken seriously. When one of the UK examination boards dropped Greek and Latin from the curricula offered to schools, questions were asked in Parliament. ... Detailansicht
Antikes auf Euro-Münzen
Koll. Dr. Johannes Muckenhuber/BORG Grieskirchen stellt interessante Informationen zu Antikem auf Euro-Münzen und Euro-Banknoten zusammen. Das PDF (750 KB) wurde im Mai 2013 aktualisiert. Detailansicht
Antikes auf Euro-Münzen und Euro-Banknoten (Ergänuzung Mai 2013)
2003-06 Kulturwortschatz Europa: Pfingsten
„Pfingsten, das liebliche Fest war gekommen ...“ - so beginnt Goethes köstliches Tierepos „Reineke Fuchs“. Unter allen hohen Festen des Kirchenjahres hat der „liebliche“ Festtag des Heiligen Geistes doch den nüchternsten Namen, nüchterner als „Ostern“, das um zwei, drei Ecken auf eine österliche ... Detailansicht
Ephemeris - lateinische Online-Zeitschrift
Diese Online-Zeitschrift ("Varsoviae nata, per interrete divulgata, ad omnia quae cognitu digna videantur spectans.") bietet viele interessante Artikel zu aktuellen Themen. Detailansicht
Edité avec l’appui de l’Administration générale de
l’Enseignement et de la Recherche scientifique.
Service général du Pilotage du système éducatif. Detailansicht -
Summerschools in the UK and Ireland
The link leads to the web of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers advertising summer schools in the UK and Ireland for students wishing to pursue Classical Studies. Detailansicht
30. Augustbis 01.09.2013
2013 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Lisbon
Europatria Detailansicht
2013 EUROCLASSICA CONGRESS in Lisbon: 30th August - September 1st
Latest version of the programm of the Conference in Lisbon. Detailansicht
Academia Homerica
This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums & archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht
Academia Latina
This summer school is held in Rome and guarantees a theoretical and practical approach to classical topics by combining lessons with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites. Detailansicht
23. Märzbis 28.03.2013
2013 ACADEMIA RAGUSINA in Dubrovnik, March 23-28
This Academia is held in Dubrovnik for students, teachers and researchers. Its main interest are the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Due to a lack of participants Academia Ragusina tertia 2013 has been cancelled.
Detailansicht -
30. Junibis 07.07.2013
2013 ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA in Sagunto, June 30 - July 7
The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia)-SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama. Detailansicht
Academia Saguntina
The ACADEMIA SAGUNTINA, European Summer School in Classical Civilisation, will bring together young people from different European countries up to Saguntum (Valencia) - SPAIN in order to work in a very active and practical way on daily life in ancient Rome and on ancient Greek drama. Detailansicht
12. Julibis 21.07.2013
Seminar / Workshop
2013 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 12-21
This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht
2013 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek (1 MB). Detailansicht
CIRCE 2013
The CIRCE project is proud to announce the 8th edition of its award winning CIRCE course in the second week of July 2013 (7-14th 2013) in Aquileia, Italy. Detailansicht
Academia Latina 2012
This summer school is held in Rome and guarantees a theoretical and practical approach to classical topics by combining lessons with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites. Detailansicht
31. Augustbis 02.09.2012
Tagung / Kongress
2012 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Vilnius
Reception and Spreading of the Classical Culture in Lithuania and the Baltic Region Detailansicht
2012 EUROCLASSICA CONGRESS in Vilnius: 31st August - September 2nd
Latest version of the programm of the Conference in Vilnius. Detailansicht
06. Julibis 15.07.2012
Seminar / Workshop
2012 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 6-16 2012
This summer school is held in Chios and focuses on the immortal Homeric epic poems by offering a carefully selected choice of lectures and combining them with instructional tours to museums and archaeological sites in and around Chios and mainland Greece. Detailansicht
02. Augustbis 09.08.2012
2012 ACADEMIA LATINA IV in Rome: August, 2-9 2012
One of the most important aims of EUROCLASSICA is to make pupils and students aware of the European dimension of Classics. Detailansicht
Nuntii Latini
This is a collection of links leading to websites dedicated to the publication of current news in Latin. Detailansicht