29. Augustbis 01.09.2019
2019 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference Antwerp
ELEX - European Latin Exam 2018
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2018
Latin Level 2/Ianua Detailansicht -
ELEX - European Latin Exam 2018
ECCL – European Certificate for Classics 2018
Latin Level 1/Vestibulum Detailansicht -
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2018
ECCL - European Certificate for Classics 2018
Ancient Greek Level 2/Ianua
Chairwoman: Sarah Breslin, Executive Director of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) Detailansicht -
EGEX - European Greek Exam 2018
ECCL - European Certificate for Classics 2018
Ancient Greek Level 1/Vestibulum
Chairwoman: Sarah Breslin, Executive Director of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) Detailansicht -
Elizabeth Heimbach, Word Mastery through derivatives
Elizabeth Heimbach, Word Mastery through derivatives – designed for students of Latin, paperback, 163 pages, Bolchazy-Carducci, Illinois (2017), $24, 978-0-86516-853-4. Detailansicht
Tacitus, Histories I, A Selection
Tacitus, Histories I, A Selection, Benedict Gravell (notes/ vocabulary), Ellen O´Gorman (Introduction), Bloomsbury, Paperback, 184 pages (OCR), ₤ 16,99, 978-1-350-01015-4. Detailansicht
Carl A. Shaw, EURIPIDES: CYCLOPS, a Satyr Play
Carl A. Shaw, EURIPIDES: CYCLOPS, a Satyr Play, Bloomsbury, London 2018, p. 176 pages, 978-1474245791 GBP 85.00 Detailansicht
Greek Stories, John Taylor and Kristian Waite
Greek Stories: a GCSE Reader, John Taylor and Kristian Waite, second edition, Bloomsbury 2017, ISBN 978-1-3500-0565-5, Paperback, £15.99 Detailansicht
Cicero, Philippic II
Cicero, Philippic II, A Selection, ed. Christopher Tanfield, Bloomsbury 2018, ISBN 978-1-3500-1023-9, Paperback, £15.29 Detailansicht
Owen, Mathew - Prose Unseens for A-Level Latin
Owen, Mathew - Prose Unseens for A-Level Latin Bloomsbury Pb pp336 9781474269162 £14.99 Detailansicht
Anthology for Classical Greek
OCR Anthology for Classical Greek, AS & A Level 2019-2021, ed. S. Anderson, R. Colborn, N. Croally, C. Paterson, C. Tudor and C. Webster, Bloomsbury 2018, ISBN 978-1-3500-1260-8, Paperback, £26.99 Detailansicht
The Homeric Battle of the Frogs and Mice, Joel Christen and Erik Robinson
The Homeric Battle of the Frogs and Mice, Joel Christen (Editor), Erik Robinson (Editor), Hardcover, xiii & 198 pages, Bloomsbury (2018), £91.80, 978-1350035959. Detailansicht
Periclean Athens, P.J. Rhodes
Periclean Athens, P.J. Rhodes, Pb, p144, Bloomsbury 2018 £14.99 9781350014954
Detailansicht -
What Makes Civilization?
David Wengrow: What Makes Civilization? The Ancient Near East and the Future of the West. Detailansicht
24. Augustbis 25.08.2018
Tagung / Kongress
2018 Annual EUROCLASSICA Conference London
Janka, Markus, Pharsalos als Wendepunkt der Weltgeschichte: Bibliographie
Janka, Markus, Pharsalos als Wendepunkt der Weltgeschichte im historischen Thriller der Postmoderne: Robert Harris’ Dictator (2015) Detailansicht
L'Italie d'aujourd'hui: la tradition des Études Classiques face à l’innovation didactique
Euroclassica Silver Jubilee Conference Athens 2016. Papers of the Conference
Euroclassica Silver Jubilee Conference Athens 2016. Papers of the Conference Detailansicht
2018 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
Godfrey, Medieval Mosaic, A Book of Medieval Latin Readings
A.W. Godfrey, Medieval Mosaic, A Book of Medieval Latin Readings, Bolchazy-Carducci, second edition 2016 Detailansicht
13. Julibis 22.07.2018
2018 ACADEMIA HOMERICA in Chios, July 13-22
The 21st Academia Homerica will take place from the 13th to 22nd of July 2018, in Athens, on the islands of Chios and Oinousses. Detailansicht
Academia Saguntina 2018
Programme and registration for Academia Saguntina 2018 Detailansicht
Academia Homerica 2018
Announcement of the Academia Homerica 2018 Detailansicht
This leads to the Euroclassica-President's latest announcements. Detailansicht