2022 Academia Saguntina June 22 to 26 Statement
Statement of the official board of Academia Saguntina to the 2022 version of Academia Saguntina Detailansicht
2022 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
International Greek Language Day: February 9th 2022
In honor of the International Greek Language Day, the Greek International News Agency published an article in Ancient Greek. It is a summary of the “In Medias Res” article regarding the Latin and Greek active language method teaching at Oxford. Detailansicht
26 January 2022 from 2 to 6pm CET: Monsters in the classroom – Latin and Greek at primary school
This international conference is dedicated to the teaching of Latin and Ancient Greek at Primary school, with talks and discussions by practitioners from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Detailansicht
EUROCLASSICA - Presentation by President Prof. Christian Laes
Presidential Announcements: Christmas and New Year’s Message 2021
Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, sends Christmas wishes to all partners of Euroclassica inlcuding important information about a new initiative about the teaching of Classics in the European countries. Detailansicht
Christmas and New Year’s Message 2021 by President Christian Laes
Euroclassica Basic Information
Virtual Symposium “Classical Greek: When the Past blends with the Future” on 20 December, 17:00EE
The symposium will focus on the universal, timeless nature of Classical Greek and the challenges and opportunities involved in teaching it internationally. Detailansicht
Bulletin d’information de l’ACFLA et de la FRPGL asbl. (2021 9/10/11) Detailansicht
Presidential Announcements August 2021: Speeches at the EC Congress in Split and Mostar
The document offers the speeches of Prof. Christian Laes, President of Euroclassica, held in Split, 27 August 2021 and Mostar, 28 August 2021. Detailansicht
Mair Lloyd and Steven Hunt (eds)
Communicative Approaches for Ancient LanguagesCommunicative Approaches for Ancient Languages
Mair Lloyd and Steven Hunt (eds)
Bloomsbury Academic (2021) Paperback 288 pages 978-1350157330 £20.00
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Euroclassica Executive Committee
EC Congress Split/Mostar 2021
All important information for the EC Congress August 27-30 2021 in Split/Mostar.
Please note: The deadline for inscription is extended to June 30!
Don't hesitate to attend the EC Congress 2021! Detailansicht -
Presidential Announcements June 2021
Dear all,
Split-Mostar (27-29 August 2021) are waiting for us: Detailansicht -
Classical Languages, Culture, and Mythology at the Classical Gymnasium of Saint Petersburg
by Elena Ermolaeva and Lev Pushel
in: Lisa Maurice (Ed.), OUR MYTHICAL EDUCATION. The Reception of Classical Myth Worldwide in Formal Education, 1900–2020, p. 189-208
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American Classical League: 74th Annual Institute
A Virtual Event June 21-25 2021
The tentative schedule is at the bottom of the page (updated 18/3/2021)
The schedule is a work in progress. Check back and see what events have been added. DetailansichtAmerican Classical League (tentative schedule at the bottom of the page)
CNARELA: Newsletter 11, fevrier 2021
Newsletter (2021 fevrier) of the French association of Classics CNARELA (1 MB) Detailansicht
UK - Online Conference of the Classical Association, April 6-8 2021
Find the details on the Online Conference of the Classical Association via the link below. Detailansicht
UK, Online Conference of the Classical Association, April 6-8 2021
2021 Euroclassica Newsletter
The Newsletter contains a lot of interesting and important information concerning the European basic languages Latin and Greek. Detailansicht
Lecture publique internationale des Metamorphoses d'Apulee 26 et 27 mars 2021
Chers amis de la Culture classique,
Malgré ces temps bien difficiles, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à la lecture publique internationale des Métamorphoses d’Apulée : nous comptons sur vous pour nous aider à faire entendre ce roman extraordinaire aux quatre coins du monde !
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Virtual Maltese Conference of Contemporary Classics Research - Call for Proposals
The Malta Classics Association is organising an online conference on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th April intended to allow those of us involved in the field to exhibit our latest research. Detailansicht
Thamyris. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y Latín
Thamyris, nova series y Delegación de Málaga de la SEEC en colaboración con los Deptos. de Filología Griega y Latina de la Universidad de Málaga Detailansicht
Thamyris, nova series. Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y Latín
Sorana-Cristina Man, Instances of Death in Greek Tragedy
Instances of Death in Greek Tragedy, Sorana-Cristina Man, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020 h/b p. 261 9781 527547285 £60.00 Detailansicht
Edith Hall and Henry Stead A People’s History of Classics
Edith Hall and Henry Stead A People’s History of Classics, Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1680 to 1939 Routledge 2020 pb p. 642 978-0-367-43236-2 £26.00 Detailansicht